CS373 Fall 2020 Blog #5

Ishan Phadke
2 min readSep 27, 2020

What did you do this past week?

I finished up my lab for my Network Security class, which took me a while since I don’t have much experience with Django, which is what the project was built in. I also met with my group for the IDB project, and we came up with a viable idea. We also started on the static site and resolved to learn Postman to finish up the REST Api soon.

What’s in your way?

I think school is slowly becoming more intense as we get closer to midterm season. I’ve got a couple of exams coming up alongside a couple group labs, which are hard to coordinate. Recruiting is also picking up, adding interviews and coding problem practice to my to-do list. But, it’s nothing new, I like the feeling of having something to do rather than sitting on TikTok or playing Warzone all day.

What will you do next week?

I want to apply to as many companies as possible and finish up the coding exercises that I’ve received. I also want to finish up the IDB Phase 1 before Wednesday, since I plan to participate in my first Warzone tournament then. Besides that, I want to work on my other labs whenever I can.

What was your experience of types, object models, and iterators? (this question will vary, week to week)

Python has always seemed like a really intuitive language to use and the lessons from this week definitely reinforced that notion. Java, C++, and other high level languages have more caveats that trip me up than Python.

What made you happy this week?

I preordered a few video games and I’m excited to get a chance to play them.

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

I think the best advice I have is to use VSCode and LiveShare to collaborate with your teammates. All you have to do is download VSCode, add the LiveShare extension, and join one members session and everyone can edit the code at the same time. It’s easy to pair program with it. There’s no need for screen sharing, remote control, etc.

