CS373 Fall 2020: Ishan Phadke

Ishan Phadke
Nov 2, 2020

1. What did you do this past week?

I finished up my lab for Network Security to make time for the Phase 3 portion. We also implemented a search function. I also finished up a backlog of coding interviews.

2. What’s in your way?

Fulfilling the user stories is going to take some thought since it requires some refactoring and designing. I also have a few exams in the coming week.

3. What will you do next week?

I’m going to work on other tasks of Phase 3 with my teammates. I also want to get a head start on the next lab for my NetSec class.

4. If you read it, what did you think of The Interface Segregation Principle?

I haven’t read the paper.

5. What was your experience of instance methods, class methods, static methods, regular expressions, and relational algebra? (this question will vary, week to week)

The instance methods, class methods, and static methods teachings were interesting and provided more depth to my knowledge. I’ve used regex’s extensively before, but I did like having a review. Relational algebra was new, however. I’ve worked with relational databases before but hadn’t learned about this topic in tandem.

6. What made you happy this week?

I am doing much better in my classes than I expected to do at the start of this online semester.

7. What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

Go on a walk during studying to clear your head and relax. Dogs help too.

